TRC meeting 23 Aug 22 report

Council meeting update
Here is an overview of outcomes from the Ordinary Meeting on Tuesday 23 August, 2022:
Councillors have agreed to allocate $20,000 funding each year to implement annual greening strategies across the region. The Urban Street Tree Management Plan Advisory Group oversees the strategies in its role of supporting Council with the greening and cooling of the region through advocating tree planting across the local government area. A report to Council included the group’s recommendation to make the funds available to purchase trees, tree guards, stakes, fabric mats and fertiliser tables as well as hire machinery to prepare holes for tree planting.
A change in name for the Tamworth Regional Crime Prevention Working Group to become Tamworth Regional Community Safety Working Group has been endorsed by Councillors. The move came after Councillors considered a report which recommended the new name because it “better reflects” both the objectives of the working group and the vision of Blueprint 100. Councillors also endorsed proposed amendments to the Terms of Reference for the group which included an increase in the group’s community representatives from three to four. As a result of Expressions of Interest received from community members wanting to be part of the group, it was resolved that two new representatives – Ms Jennifer Peberdy and Mr Trevor Watt – be appointed. Current community representatives Mal McPherson and Bill Campbell will continue in their roles as community representatives. Bill Forrest, who has served a significant term, has stepped down as a community representative and was thanked for his efforts.
For more information, see the full reports at
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