Barraba Hospital Auxiliary ready for another year

Barraba Hospital Auxiliary successful AGM!
The Barraba Hospital Auxiliary’s AGM held recently was a great success, with attendance of over a dozen people. Joan McCarthy, Estrella Hamilton and Julie Williams were re-elected as President, Treasurer and Secretary. Thank you to Sally Cronberger, Regional Representative, for coming along and supporting our group - and especially for inspiring such enthusiasm that a few members are even planning to attend the State Conference in Sydney in October!
Thank you also to the Claypan members for inviting us to meet in their centre.
A couple of years ago the group was threatened with closure due to lack of members, various health challenges and of course, Covid restrictions. But thanks to some new members, we are now up and running again with our next meeting planned for 10am on Friday 7th October, and a street stall hopefully on Thursday 3rd November.
The Barraba community has been great at supporting our activities and thank you for continuing to help us to help our hospital!
Julie Williams