Kevin Anderson - Stronger Communities Fund

Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson has welcomed the return of the Stronger Country Communities Fund and expects the $160 million Round 5 of the fund will bring strong investment in important community projects.
Mr Anderson called on all eligible community groups and councils to start working on their applications ahead of the opening of Round 5 on Friday, the 5th of August.
“The Stronger Country Communities Fund means big investment in projects that really matter to our communities,” Mr Anderson said.
“Previous rounds have funded great projects like the ongoing Barraba Rugby Clubhouse renovations, lighting at Dungowan and Kootingal Recreation Grounds, and upgrades to Kootingal and District Pont Club.
“The fund invests directly into the community projects that make a real difference in the lives of people living in rural and regional NSW so I would encourage anyone with a great idea for a project, to start pulling together all the required information now.”
Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW Paul Toole said the latest round of the Stronger Country Communities Fund builds on the previous rounds and continues to provide important infrastructure and programs for regional towns.
“The Stronger Country Communities Fund is continuing to make a real difference to the lives of people right across regional NSW, with $500 million invested over the past four rounds delivering more than 2,000 local projects in regional NSW,” Mr Toole said.
“Everywhere I go, people tell me about the positive difference that Stronger Country Communities Fund projects make to their everyday life, whether it’s a new skate park that kids of all ages love, new lighting for sports grounds or programs that support and inspire young people living in the bush.
“The NSW Government is investing record amounts to deliver the big picture infrastructure needed to stimulate regional economies, but we’re also backing community projects that make a big positive difference to everyday life.”
The $660 million Stronger Country Communities Fund is part of the NSW Government’s $3.3 billion Regional Growth Fund, which is being invested in local projects that improve the lives of people living in regional NSW.
Applications for Round Five of the Stronger Country Communities Fund opens Friday, 5th August 2022.
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