Craft Guild members using recycled items in their craft

Thursday and Sunday Craft groups are going really well at the Claypan, with up to 10 ladies each day. We have a great bunch of ladies who share their love and expertise of any craft that we wish to do. We have a couple of new ladies to town joining in which is great to see. Everyone is welcome to join us on any day. Sunday tends to be a good day for people calling in while travelling and checking out our Gallery. We have met some very interesting people and they are always interested in whatever activity we are doing at our Claypan.
Sunday the 14th August was very exciting as we created our Up-cycle items whilst being inspired with the amazing Jen from Manilla. Our craft ladies are keen to learn different skills and using left over bits and pieces plus recycled items had us thinking beyond our normal crafty projects. There's no right or wrong way to express your individual creativity, we just let loose and thoroughly enjoyed our day. Jen's coat that she made, specifically relates to events that she has endured during a 12 month period of her life. You really need to see this in real life, it is stunning. Her picture board of nine squares also relates to events that she has been through; living on the coast, moving to Manilla just before the drought started and many more inspirational squares. There are so many talented ladies in and around our district and being able to meet and share ideas is such a great privilege