Arts NW Micro Grants

Arts North West Micro Grants Ready to Roll
New England North West creatives are set to benefit directly from Arts North West, with the announcement of another round of Arts North West’s Micro Grants opening in early August.
The first round of Micro Grants was announced in April 2020 and saw a range of artists and arts projects boosted during the COVID-19 pandemic, including musicians, textile artists, visual artists, performing artists and more. Since then, the fund has expended around $25,000 directly to New England North West creatives.
“Announcing the opening of the Micro Grants Funding round is one of my first tasks as the new Executive Director of Arts North West” said Arts North West Executive Director Lauren Mackley.
Designed to support the continuation of locally-determined community arts and cultural practice in uncertain times, this funding aims to be as flexible as possible. Projects can be outcome-focused or be designed around skills development or capacity-building.
“The main reasons why this fund is so well prescribed, is the simple application and the quick turnaround, something you do not get when applying to other funds. Applications open first week of August and closing on 5 September, and each applicant can apply for up to $1000. Successful applicants will be notified on 19 September. Previous unsuccessful applicants are encouraged to reapply.” Concluded Ms Mackley.
To apply visit the Arts North West website or contact the Arts North West office for more information (02) 6732 4988.