Local Land Services staff train for disease emergency

Frontline staff prepare to protect NSW from animal disease emergency
Part of the state’s Emergency Animal Disease (EAD) response capabilities are being put to the test with Local Land Services staff undertaking a series of exercises in a bid to prepare to combat an outbreak. Local Land Services Emergency Management Coordinator Megan Davies said the exercises would ensure staff were ready to support landholders during an animal disease emergency.
“This exercise we are holding in Tamworth is a simulation of a Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) outbreak designed to give staff an insight into what they could experience if FMD made it to Australia and Local Land Services was called on to respond. The exercise covers everything from the initial reports a of landholder who notices signs of a potential EAD and does the right thing by calling it in, to our response and ongoing management of the disease. Staff will practice decontamination processes, how to manage sites in terms of preventing disease from escaping to neighbouring areas, and map how to effectively use and position response resources.
This is the best way we can help to ensure our staff know our role and provide the most effective response to support landholders and communities during an animal disease emergency.”
Local Land Services Business Partner Animal Welfare and Biosecurity Scott Ison said the exercises were one of many ways the agency was working to prevent and prepare for EADs.
“We continue to work together with landholders to ensure we are doing what we can to protect NSW from exotic diseases like FMD,” Mr Ison said. “That is why we encourage all landholders to do their bit to play an active role in monitoring and reporting any suspect cases of emergency animal disease.”
If you suspect an emergency animal disease, call the EAD Watch Hotline immediately on 1800 675 888 or contact your local LLS District Veterinarian.
For more information, visit www.lls.nsw.gov.au/biosecurity/emergency-animal-disease/.