Rural Women's catch up at Gulf Creek

Gulf Creek Hall shines again.
Women from Gulf Creek, Barraba and Bingara areas gathered again at the old schoolhouse for the final morning of our Rural Women’s catch ups. This funded program has provided opportunities for women across the smaller communities in Gwydir and Moree Shires to gather together for learning, laughing, connecting and sharing stories. As with all great events, good healthy food was an integral part of the equation.
Participants have enjoyed the events so much and have indicated that they brought such value to them as individuals and a community, that we will be actively seeking funding to provide similar opportunities going forward (and we have been given some excellent ideas in terms of skills women would like to learn – thanks to everyone who has completed an evaluation).
For this last session, we started the morning with a reminder of the importance of our breath during chair yoga with Kaz from Selah Yoga. The break was filled with lovely food thanks to Bavarian Mama and lots of chatting (requiring a loud whistle to get us going again!)
Marnie Crowley from Cobbadah Flowers then provided all participants with the opportunity to learn how to create a beautiful flower arrangement. Not only that, but each participant then got to practice the tips she’d been given, and take home her handiwork.
As usual, we had service providers from RAMHP (Rural Adversity and Mental Health Program), Healthwise and NEMA (National Emergency Response Agency) available to explain how people can access support for mental health, physical health, and emergency situations.
The program has been enabled through funding from the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) and the National Emergency Response Agency (NEMA) and has been delivered by Northern Slopes Landcare.