Claypan recognises 3 life members

Last Tuesday Beth Hagan, Robyn Brown and Pat Penna were invited to the Claypan for morning tea to accept their Life Membership of the Barraba Potters and Craft Guild Inc.
Robyn Brown has been an active member of the Claypan for about 40 years, she was Sales Treasurer for many years. She has involved in many facets of sewing including; patchwork and embroidery. Robyn has given her time for sewing lessons and has run numerous workshops. She has donated many quilts over the years to be used as raffle prizes.
Beth Hagan was a long term potter, a keen knitter and contributed plants for sale at the Claypan.
Pat Penna is an active member of the Garden Club (within the Claypan) and organises many garden club activities.