News from Barraba Central School

27th March 2024

What are you reading?

This week Mrs Bell gives us the inside scoop on the best books to read!

What is the name of the book you are reading now? - The Great Hunt which is the second of a fourteen book series.

What is it about? - some rare items were stolen at the start of the book and it follows a group of people who are tracking them across a fantasy country to retrieve them.

What is your favourite genre to read? - science fiction, fantasy or murder mysteries

 If you could pick one book to read again for the first time, what would it be? - Elantris by Brandon Sanderson. it is a stand-alone fantasy which has an excellent plot.

How many books have you read this year so far? - over a dozen. I’ve lost count of the exact number.

What do you love about reading? - I love the fact that it takes me into an imaginary world where problems are being solved. It is an escape from the busyness of everything in this world. It is my way of relaxing and I always read at least a little every day.

Health Careers forum

On Tuesday a group of Year 10 and 11 students participated in the University of Newcastle Health Careers Forum at the UON Rural Health Education Centre in Tamworth.

The students were given an overview of the range of health careers that can be covered through training at the University with the areas including Occupational therapy, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Nursing and Midwifery, Medicine, Pharmacy, Nutrition and Medical Imagery. Students then got to break up into groups to learn more in depth about chosen areas and pathways to study in that field.

It was a great opportunity for the students and gave them plenty to think about in terms of possible career pathways in the high needs area of Health.

 Real Schools Program

This term the staff at Barraba Central School have started the Real Schools program. The program is about building the school culture around a restorative practice model with everyone taking responsibility for their actions. On Monday afternoon our staff spent a few hours in a workshop learning how to put this into practice in our day to day.

News for March 2024