History Notes, the Town Clock and ANZAC connection

7th March 2024

History Notes



Well, show weekend is over and it certainly looks to have been successful in spite of Tamworth trying to steal our space. The Show has had its spot at this time of year for most of its 120 year history, while the Tamworth show was always the week before the Sydney Royal Show began. In the days before big trucks and sealed roads the Show Cattle travelled to Sydney by train from the Tamworth Show and incidentally returned by train to Barraba about two weeks later.

This week I have been trying to sort out several family history documents all stored in one album - letters, family trees, and of course, attempts to write the history of one family on one page - a very time consuming problem which needs to be done now that we have filing cabinets. Hopefully finding these families will soon be easier. The shelves have been re-organized and all the boxes are being labelled so finding someone's family tree should be a lot easier. The clean-up has found the tablecloths for the market stall with the exception of the big damask one which walked away some time ago!

The markets are on this weekend so come along and have a chat, inspect the stalls and have a cup of coffee. There will be two lots of plants as well as the usual goods for sale. Read the advertisement for more info.

Members, the meeting this month has to be postponed to the 4th Tuesday due to lack of numbers available-too many appointments and holidays!

The talking continues about the opening the town clock in 1924- still no sign of the paper clipping which I am sure exists. Some people suggest that the clock was opened on Anzac Day but the post card that my grandmother had, was, I thought dated November, 1924. There is no plaque anywhere on the clock as Trixie Garland searched everywhere around the clock and failed to find anything. The plaque recently placed in the garden outside The Playhouse is the only record of the opening of the clock and I am not sure of its origin.

Checking through the miscellaneous file I have come across the list of rules for shop assistants in 1854. I am sure we have shared the rules for teachers in 1872 but this is on another level! More next week.

News for March 2024