Preschool visit to Richardson House

23rd August 2023

What’s Happening at Barraba Preschool?

Earlier in the year we were approached by Richardson House staff about the possibility of starting regular visits so the preschool children can engage with and build relationships with the residents.

Studies suggest there are many benefits to programs such as these, for all involved. Older individuals may experience enhanced mood, new learning opportunities, improved physical capability and movement, more enjoyment of life and possibly reduced dementia symptoms. Benefits for the children may include increased patience, insight into life’s ageing process, supportive relationships, a lifetime of stories to hear and opportunities to learning something new.

Fortunately, we were able to coordinate regular monthly visits to Richardson House where the children spend time playing games, singing songs, doing aerobics, making art and craft, talking to, and have morning tea with the residents.

Last Wednesday was our third visit for the year. We enjoyed the morning sun out in the garden, where the children and residents played board games, card games, puzzles, tangrams, and playdough. The children are always excited about our trips and quickly settle in to interact with the activities and people. We hope that this experience will be valuable to both the preschool children and the residents of Richardson House and may be continued in following years

News for August 2023