Frost is only a week away

23rd August 2023

Frost coming up

Frost Over Barraba is only a week away, opening at 10am on Thursday 31 August. 2023 is the fiftieth year of Frost and the 45th Frost event. Over the years five festivals have been skipped, most recently for the pandemic.


The fourteen Barraba people on the organising committee have been working to put together another successful event. In 2023 this includes a few changes including the Art Show relocating to the Treloar Building in Queen Street.

The RSL Hall is no longer available, but the Treloar Building on the corner of Queen and Alice Streets is a great alternative for Frost. The pair of large double fronted Victorian era shops have large spaces, high ceilings and big windows. This should make a beautiful gallery space under Hanging Coordinator, Mandy Cabot’s direction.


The Art Show will be open on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10am each day. There are lots of other creative shows open in Barraba including at the Fuller Gallery.

This year there is a Friday night function called the ‘Arty Party’ on 1 September. This event replaces the usual Thursday evening opening night. The Arty Party is being catered by the renowned Laura Swan. There will be a bar operated by parents from Barraba Pre-School. Live music will be provided by cellist Emily Bishop.


Saturday is a big festival day with lots of live music and other events. Tamworth singers Hester Fraser and Brookie Gillett along with Sydney’s Ash Morse will be entertaining crowds from the front of the Victoria Hotel. Facepainting will also be offered for children.

The Commercial Hotel is hosting a Motorbike display and also offering a delicious smorgasbord lunch on the Saturday. Queen Street will also host lots of stalls of local groups including both schools. The Museum Markets will also be on.

Sunday is a quieter day to enjoy the Art Show but lots of business will be open for the occasion, including the new Opportunity Knocks Op-Shop. The Fuller Gallery will be open and its members will be offering their excellent morning teas and lunches.


Sunday also brings a special concert on the Anglican Church’s Thomas Jones Organ. Concert pianist and organist Jane Stewart is playing a special “Welcome the Spring” concert at 1pm that includes favourites such as Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. All profit from this concert will be donated to the Barraba Anglican Church.


Tickets to the Arty Party ($30) and the Organ Concert ($10) can be bought with cash at Saunders and the Opportunity Knocks Op-Shop in Barraba as well as online. They can also be bought at the Manilla Express office in Manilla. However, anyone unable to afford a $10 ticket may make a small donation of any amount at the door.

A full program can be found in this publication. More information also online at

News for August 2023