Want a Street Stall for Frost weekend?

16th August 2023

Community groups and Barraba individuals are invited to make the most of Frost Over Barraba visitor trade on Saturday 2 September and set up a stall on Queen Street. Frost attracts a lot of visitors to Barraba. This year Frost is on Thursday 31 August to Sunday 3 September. The biggest day for visitors will be Saturday 2 September. In recent years more than 1000 people have visited on Frost Saturdays. As well as the iconic Art Show there will be music and other attractions in Queen Street.

The Saturday Queen Street stalls can sell food or wares, but Frost asks for the goods to be made here. This could be baking, jewellery, honey, fruit and veges, knitted items, a sausage sizzle, or similar.

Any person or group interested in operating a stall are asked to get in touch with Frost. The Frost team canplan where and when stalls are operating to best advantage the operators. For instance, two cake stalls wouldn’t be best next to each other. Frost will also publicise the stalls. A stall can operate for a portion, or the whole of Saturday. To discuss your plans talk to one of the Frost Street team: Stacey Sedgwick, Andy Wright, Hannah Johnston, Sandra Allen, Patti Crowley or Wendy Woodhouse. You can also email Frost at frostoverbarraba@yahoo.org.au. The DA with Council requires that stallholders hold their own insurances.

News for August 2023