Barraba Central School Principal's Report T2

1st August 2023

Across the Desk from the Principal Patrick Sullivan

Dear Parents, guardians, Students and Staff

Welcome back to Term 3 at Barraba Central School. We hope you had a restful break and are ready for an exciting term ahead. There are plenty of fantastic opportunities and events planned, so let's dive right in!

Upcoming Excursions and Events:

We have a diverse range of excursions and events lined up for our students this term. Our agricultural students will be heading to Brisbane for an enriching experience at the Ekka Agricultural show and later, we have the eagerly awaited AGQuip event. There will be various sporting trips for our sports enthusiasts and our talented debaters will have their chance to shine in upcoming debating competitions. Additionally, we have regional athletics events where our students can showcase their athletic abilities. Lastly, our Year 6 students will embark on their much anticipated Canberra trip in Week 7 which promises an unforgettable educational adventure.

NAPLAN Results:

We are pleased to inform you that the NAPLAN results are being sent home this week. The results will provide valuable insights into our students' progress and identify areas where they excel and where they may need additional support. The results will now be categorized into four new levels: Exceeding, Strong, Developing, and Needs Additional Support. We believe this new system will help us better understand each student's strengths and areas for improvement, allowing us to tailor our support and resources more effectively.

To address the needs of students falling under the "Needs Additional Support" category, we have implemented programs like Maclit and MiniLit. These programs have proven successful in providing tailored support and to further enhance our efforts, we have employed additional staff members to ensure our students receive the attention and guidance they require.

Mobile Phone Usage:

As part of our ongoing commitment to creating a focused and respectful learning environment, we are implementing a phone ban for secondary students. From this term onwards, students are only permitted to use their phones during recess and lunch breaks. This is in preparation for the government's upcoming ban on phone usage during school hours, which will be enforced starting in Term 4. We appreciate your cooperation and support in ensuring that our students make the most of their learning time without distractions.

NCCD Data Collection:

As we progress through Term 3, we would like to take a moment to inform our school community about the upcoming Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). This data collection is a significant initiative undertaken by all Australian schools, including Barraba Central School. It aims to gather essential information on students with a disability and the support they require to access and participate in education equally with their peers. The NCCD is a comprehensive process involving careful assessment and documentation of each student's needs and the reasonable adjustments provided to support their learning journey. This data collection is undertaken annually to ensure a clear understanding of the educational needs of our students and to provide valuable insights into how we can continuously improve our support services and inclusive practices. As always, our students' and their families' privacy and confidentiality remain of utmost importance throughout this process. We are committed to using this data responsibly and respectfully, with the primary goal of enhancing our students' educational experience and outcomes.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding the NCCD data collection, please get in touch with us at the school. Your understanding and cooperation in this important matter are greatly appreciated.

We look forward to an exceptional term filled with incredible learning experiences, growth, and achievements. As always, we encourage open communication between the school, parents, and guardians. Should you have any questions, concerns, or ideas, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Let's work together to make Term 3 memorable and successful for all our students! Best regards,

News for August 2023