More funding to fix roads

The NSW Nationals in Government have fast-tracked the opening of applications for the $500 million Regional and Local Roads Repair Program.
Member for Tamworth Kevin Anderson said councils in the Tamworth electorate would now be busy getting their applications ready ahead of the opening date on the 11th of January. “Those who have travelled throughout our state these holidays know how important it is that we fast-track this funding to bring our roads back to the best condition possible,”
Mr Anderson said. “Our councils need a helping hand to bring the roads back to the condition they were prior to last year’s ongoing weather events. It’s great news that this funding will hit the bank accounts of councils within a matter of weeks, meaning road repairs can begin sooner. This funding is in addition to the $50 million pot-hole repair round which saw $2.44 million allocated to councils in the Tamworth electorate and I am confident that we will be eligible for a significant amount of funding this time as well given the size of our road networks.”
Councils need to make an application to Transport for NSW, who will allocate the funds based on total kilometres of roads managed in each local government area. The funding split will provide $280 million for rural and regional councils and $220 million for councils in Greater Sydney and outer metropolitan areas. This new money is on top of existing funding and assistance to councils including the Regional Roads Block Grant program and NSW Disaster Assistance Arrangements.