TRC Meeting Report 12th Dec 2023

15th January 2024

Council meeting update – 12 December 2023

 Here is an overview of outcomes from the Ordinary Meeting of Tamworth Regional Council:

  • Councillors agreed to put the Draft Ratepayers Hardship Policy, Draft Ratepayer Pensioner Policy and the Draft Debt Recovery Policy for Property Debts on public exhibition for 28 days. The Debt Recovery Policy was last updated in 2021 and the finance division feel the policy needed to be broken down to three individual policies to address the specific needs of impacted property owners.
  • The development of building and associated infrastructure for the purpose of a supermarket has been granted development approval on Goonoo Goonoo Road. The approval stipulates numerous conditions of consent, including the requirement for a roundabout to be constructed at the intersection of Craigends Lane and Goonoo Goonoo Road. 
  • To meet Council’s Blueprint 100 vision to introduce more shop-top and apartment living opportunities, Councillors endorsed draft conditions of consent for a mixed-use development in Marius Street. Councillors also authorised the General Manager to determine the application following review of the relevant BASIX certificate.
  • Four of the region’s smaller communities will share in the benefits of funding through the 2023/24 Facility Improvement Fund. Councillors supported a recommendation to allocate $8,645 to the Moonbi War Memorial Hall and Recreation Reserve Committee to install air conditioning in the main hall, $5,514 to Loomberah Hall Committee for new footpaths, $3,080 to Weabonga Hall and Recreation Reserve Local Committee for the upgrade to the front boundary fence and $274 to the Manilla Matters Committee to buy a new movie projector and popcorn machine. This program is matched funding and/or in-kind contributions by the committees.


  • Council agreed to progressing the sale of the former Manilla Water Treatment property. To facilitate this sale in the future, Council agreed to proceed with a request for tender to remediate the site. Demolition works will include the removal of buildings, a pump station, storage and other facilities. The former Manilla Water Treatment Plant commenced operation in 1933 and was removed from service in April 2022 with the commencement of operation of the new Manilla Water Treatment Plant.
  • Council has approved a number of initiatives from the Tamworth Regional Local Traffic Committee Meeting that are aimed at improving our roads, particularly road safety, including new line marking, kerb blisters, a pram ramp, road humps, signage, pedestrian crossings and medians, parking spaces, and shared paths.
  • Councillors adopted the recent update to the Northern Inland Centre of Sporting Excellence Master Plan, and resolved to continue to explore opportunities to finance the future works as outlined in the plan. The update identifies infrastructure that will meet the needs of the community and ensures the master plan aligns with key federal, state and regional strategic plans.
  • The Bicentennial Park Master Plan update was also adopted by Councillors. The plan identifies 13 short term actions that have been completed, and acknowledges Council’s Aquatic Strategy to locate a modern aquatic recreation facility in the Tamworth CBD.
  • In accordance with legislative requirements, Council will call for Expressions of Interest to participate in regional development and planning matters as part of the Northern Regional Planning Panel. The panel determines development applications and consider planning matters of regional significance.
  • Council will call for expressions of interest to lease almost 1,700 hectares of land downstream of the existing Dungowan Dam which Council has purchased over the past 5-10 years. The land would have been inundated had the proposed new Dungowan Dam proceeded. Council agreed to seek proposals for leasing the land for livestock or horse agistment at least in the short term.


  • Council considered reports around the future of two key waste management projects in Tamworth meeting Council’s environmental and innovation objectives;
    • Council agreed to lease land adjacent to the Westdale Wastewater Treatment Plant to allow the construction and operation of an Anaerobic Digester. The project will be fully funded by the proponents and is hoped to be operational by the end of 2026.
    • To continue working towards an Organics Recycling Facility, Council resolved to broaden discussions to include other parties who would be better able to work with Council to investigate and price the construction of an Organics Recycling Facility.  It is hoped that by February/March 2024 Council will be in a position to make a fully informed decision in relation to the capital cost of a new facility, operational considerations and desired outcomes for the region
  • To manage the increasing volume of renewable energy projects and ensure community benefit comes first, Councillors agreed to adopt an updated Voluntary Planning Agreement Policy for Renewable Energy Projects. The policy will allow for consideration to be made within planning agreements around the scale, timelines and locations of projects, including those spanning over multiple Local Government Areas. Councillors also agreed to make a submission to the Draft Energy Policy Framework exhibition in favour of an up-front lump sum payment to Councils to facilitate major works to benefit affected communities during the construction and early operation of renewable projects.
  • Council will adopt the updated Urban Stormwater Management Plans for Barraba, Manilla, Moonbi/Kootingal and Tamworth. The Urban Stormwater Management Plans were previously on public exhibition and identify the existing stormwater management issues and investigated possible management strategies.
  • Updates to Council’s Public Art Policy, Tamworth Regional Gallery Collection policy and Tamworth Regional Museums Collection Policy will go on public exhibition from Wednesday 10th January for community feedback. The updates are based on a recommendation from the Australian Tax Office’s Cultural Gift Program, and to add clarification in regard to the Public Art Policy’s general principles and guiding acquisition principles.
  • Tamworth’s sister city relationship with Gore, New Zealand will continue on until 2029 after Councillors tonight approved the renewal of the Draft Sister City Protocol for a further six years. The former Sister City Protocol with the South Island city has existed since 1992 and in that time Tamworth and Gore have enjoyed a progressive and beneficial relationship. The Protocol encourages community engagement within each community with many opportunities such as school relationships, equine, agriculture, events, sport and heritage and art related activities.

For more information, see the full reports at

News for January 2024