Daffodil Day says "thanks"

6th September 2023

Daffodil Day 2023

What a success this year’s local Daffodil Day was……..A lovely warm, sunny day greeted the Barraba Cancer Patients Fund Raising Group’s (BCPFRG) Committee as they set up the Street Stall and Mall with tables/chairs for morning teas. The daffodils were bright and cheery, as were the people who gathered there to support the National Day. Thank you to the community and business houses who purchased the delicious home baked goods, produce, plants and flowers. Marty Unwin played his tunes to the delight of all present – thank you Marty.

The guessing competition was well supported, and winners were:

1st- Rhonda Phillips, who won the beautiful fresh fruit/produce box, kindly donated by Saunders Fruit and Vegetables – thank you John and Toni.

2nd- Pam Woodgate, who won the lovely succulent growing in a hollowed stump, kindly donated by Ken Faulkner.

The 100 Club is always popular. This time, the winners were:

1st-Ann Ratliff

2nd-Betty Nelson

3rd-Will Sedgwick

BCPFRG would like to again reiterate - thank you again to all, for support of this extremely worth cause. Funds raised on the day in Barraba are forwarded to the Cancer Council NSW.

We would like to also welcome any new members who are interested in joining the group. Please contact any of the existing members.

News for September 2023