Men's Shed update

8th June 2022

An update of the happenings at the Men's Shed.

Our major project at the moment is completing the commission given to us by the Catholic School for outdoor seating. These benches are nearing completion and will be delivered to the school in the near future. This work would have been ready sooner if the Shed had more members. Members can be of two kinds social and /or workers. So, ladies if the man in your life is under your feet and you need more room to do your thing then why not encourage him to be part of the Men's Shed community. To the men of the district if you have a few hours to spare why not join this Association and have some hand- on work?

The Shed is open for work and socialising on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.00am to 12 noon and is situated behind the Court House and access is gained by way of Clifton Lane.

The shop is open on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings from 9.00am to 12 noon and it is situated next to the Chemist Shop.

At the shop we sell books, DVDs and furniture some of which is on consignment and some given and refurbished, so please call in and see what is on show.

A final plea. We are short of members so if you can spare some time and help, even if it is one morning for a few hours we would be pleased to welcome you.

News for June 2022