Fundraising for Richardson House

10th May 2023

Richardson House fundraising project


Recently the Fundraising Committee at Richardson House has been discussing further upgrades to the grounds around the facility. This committee operates as a subcommittee of the Board and comprises two staff members, two community representatives, the Resident Representative, a Board member and Jo Bridges as the Facility Manager.

The Fundraising Committee has had recent discussions to set some priorities about what needs to be purchased to improve the comfort for residents. Lots of ideas were discussed and many of these have been completed from the existing fundraising account. But a high cost priority, which is a request from the Manager, is for landscaping of the 2 courtyard areas between the 3 residential wings.

We are very aware of the daily use of the Sensory Garden between Richardson House and Garvin House by our residents and the pleasure they get from both social and gardening activities in the area. Creating 2 more safe and pleasant green areas between the residential wings will greatly improve the outlook from the majority of the rooms, provide additional quiet private areas for both residents and their guests and improve the amenity of the areas. Neither of these areas are currently used due to inappropriate access and the inability for residents to move safely around. Providing shade, seating, paved areas and new plantings can make these areas very pleasant and enjoyable for residents.

We recognise this isn’t a quick project and will take time to raise the estimated $40000 necessary to cover the costs but if we don’t start now, when? Any financial donation received to make our residents and their guests more comfortable is greatly appreciated.

If you are able to donate, even just a few dollars will assist, please call 67821563 and talk to Jo or Helen in the office. They will happily give you a receipt and all donations over $2 are tax deductible.

News for May 2023