Changes at Richardson House

Changes at Richardson House
After 5 years, as Richardson House Manager, Jo Bridges was given a farewell morning tea on the 24th September. Residents, family members, staff and Board members gathered at Richardson House to wish Jo well in her new position with McLean Care.
A delicious cake made by Craig Jenner was cut and speeches made acknowledging Jos’ hard work over the years ensuring the health and well being of the residents and managing the constant changes and legislative requirements of the aged care sector.
Vicki Simpson, Chair of the Board said “In her time at Richardson House Jo took on finalising all the redevelopment projects, Covid challenges, all the issues relating to the various accreditation processes involved in aged care and all those day to day problems involved in managing a service such as this. Jo’s approach has been focussed on doing the best possible for Richardson House residents, their families and staff, while making sure clinical care was always a high priority.
We, on the Board, have always been confident that Jo has had the interest of the home and the community driving her approach and we will be looking for someone with this level of commitment to keep Richardson House as a home of choice as we move forward.”
Vicki went on to say “We wish you all the best in your new role just don’t let it burn you out as we need to keep good people in the world of aged care to face the future for all of us.”
On the 15th October the Board announced the appointment of Hellan Philps as Facility Manager commencing immediately. Hellan has been at Richardson House for approximately two years as a Registered Nurse and has made a substantial contribution to the high standards expected in the aged care sector. In recent months Hellan has been Acting Manager for two periods of time and has demonstrated to the Board she has the skills and personal qualities that we believe are required for the position.
After the resignation of Jo Bridges the Board undertook an open recruitment process and received a number of applications including from interstate and overseas. The interview process was conducted by two Board members and one person who is not associated with Richardson House but has knowledge of the health and aged care sectors. Their decision was unanimous that Hellan was the best candidate.
Vicki Simpson said “The Board looks forward to working with Hellan to maintain the high standards expected of Richardson House and its staff by the Barraba community and we anticipate many happy years ahead for the residents.”