Update from the Senior Citz
Senior Citizens Notes
Hello everyone,
How is everything at your place? I do hope that the heat is not knocking you about too much. There was a great roll up at Housie last week.
People please keep the morning free to come along and listen to Julie Tremayne, an advocate for senior rights service. If you have any questions about services you are receiving, or about to apply for something, this is an ideal opportunity to seek more information. An information session will be held at the Senior Citz – 50 Fitzroy Street at 10am 15th March. We will even bring morning tea. If you are able to attend, please do so, even if we think we know about what goes on around us, it will be very interesting to hear what Julie has to say.
About our trip away – I have spoken to our friendly bus driver, but we will get our heads together next week and see what we can come up with.
Once more – dog owners – please be responsible and clean up after your dog. It is neither funny or amusing in the least, to walk away and pretend that it was not your dog.
Members, just a reminder, it is meeting day again on Friday. Come along and share your ideas.
This is all for now – except to wish all those folk on the sick list a speedy recovery.
Till next time
Cheers Judy B
PS – The information morning, is open for everyone, not just Senior Citz. Everyone welcome