History Notes wrap for 2024

18th December 2024

History Notes

What a wonderful market the Society had to finish up the year. A big thank you to those who came to help set up the markets and then put everything away at lunchtime.  There are still calendars for sale from the museum on Friday and Saturday mornings.

Next weekend we have visitors coming to research the McKid/Sinclair family on Friday and then on Saturday a Central Hotel descendant looking into the 1940s.  I doubt there is anyone here in Barraba who remembers Bill Webster – we will be happy to hear from them especially if they have a late 1940s Barraba Chronicle to show him.  The best I could do was find a December 1945 extract which showed Bill Webster as the new management of the Central Hotel, and he was still there in March 1949.

No doubt our readers have or will have to go through a relative’s belongings in the future.  It is not an easy job but there is sometimes a birthday book or an autograph book.  My grandmother’s birthday book is also a poetry book with a verse for every day of the year eg to be wroth with one we love, doth work like madness in the brain by Coleridge.  This kind of book has sadly died out, but the autograph book followed the birthday book and there are a few samples of these around with a few nice lines of poetry.  These little books can give one an idea of her friends and family and for one who knew the person they can be a small memory of a friend, mother or grandmother.

To finish the last notes for 2024 I have come across a couple of Recreation Time magazines, published some 50 years ago by the local printers so everyone had access to the local TV program.  There are lots of advertisements in them, but I could not pass the advertisement for the Christmas Tree held on Saturday 23rd December in Maude Street.  Santa arrived at 7pm sharp.  He brought popcorn, drinks and balloons.  There were presents for children up to 11 years and senior citizens.

There were 23 patients in the local hospital – all named which would not be allowed today.  The church services were listed including the Salvation Army, Presbyterian, Methodist and Church of England.  The Post Office holiday arrangements, the Bowling and Golf Clubs, the Railway Information, Swimming Club results and much more, all in a free magazine.  There was even the story of a snake in the bedroom which turned out to be a plastic snake.

This is the last notes for the year. May everyone have a Happy Christmas and New Year and look after your history if it’s available.

News for December 2024