Please respect the TRC staff

10th December 2024

Council calls time on abusive behaviour

Part of our community, working for our community. That’s the message from Tamworth Regional Council General Manager Paul Bennett as he launched a new campaign to combat the increasing instances of abuse of Council staff across the region.

“Like all workers in the region, our Council staff deserve to be treated with respect. Unfortunately, the instances of unacceptable behaviour towards staff is increasing,” he said.

Mr Bennett acknowledged that feedback and criticism for Council and Councillors are to be expected, but urged the community to raise the issues in a polite and respectful manner with staff who are only trying to help make the Tamworth region a fantastic place to live, work and play.

As part of the campaign, Council’s social media channels will have posts reminding users of the Social Media Acceptable User Guidelines, with comments having to be turned off posts recently due to the volume of offensive language used in the comments.

“Members of the community have the right to their opinions, but what they seem to forget it that the person they are often criticising on the other end of the computer could be standing next to them on the sporting field, in front of them at the supermarket, or helping them flip sausages at the P&C BBQ,” said Mr Bennett.

“Our staff make our public spaces safe and welcoming places for people to use or visit. They do jobs that make our lives better and keep our region running, and they deserve to be in a safe working environment free from abusive, aggressive, and threatening behaviour.”

“Next time you are interacting with a Council staff member across the region, stop and think about the person doing the job and how they live here, just like you.”

If a member of the public does have an issue to raise with Council, they can do so using the MyTRC app, by contacting Council via our website, or by calling (02) 6767 5555.

News for December 2024