Frost 2024, plans well underway
Frosts 2024 Update
When is Frost Over Barraba this year?
The dates for Frost 2024 are Thursday 5 to Sunday 8 September. Frost trialled a Springtime slot last year. It worked well so it’s in Spring again this year. The weather is kinder to both volunteers and visitors.
What’s On?
The main Art Show will once again be held in the Treloar’s Building on the corner of Queen and Alice Streets. It will open at 10am on Thursday 5 September and will close at 1pm on Sunday 8 September. The ‘Arty Party’ is a gala evening on Friday 6 September held in the main Art Show. Saturday on Queen Street (7 Sept) will be busy with markets, stalls and live music. A Workshop Program will run across the four days with various arts and craft options for beginners to advanced participants. There is another Jane Stewart Organ Concert on the beautiful Barraba Anglican Church Pipe Organ on Sunday 8 September at 1pm.
This is an overview of what will be a rich and varied four days of events.
Entering the Art Show
The centrepiece of Frost is the Art Show. Entries open on Tuesday 23 September. The Entry Guide and Entry form are online on the Frost website. Entering is done online nowadays. Some paper copies of the Entry Guide will be on shop counters around town. A PDF of the Entry Guide is also being emailed by the Barraba Community News team this week.
Market stalls
On Frost Saturday (7 Sept) locals are invited to hold a market or information stall. This can be to raise funds for a group, sell food, sell items from a local business, or promote awareness of something. Frost wants the stalls to have a local focus but you can run any idea past the team. Frost has an approved DA from Council for these stalls. They cost a nominal fee of $10. Email to get started.
How to sponsor or donate
If you would like to donate towards this great event donations can be made via Direct Deposit to Barraba Community Incorporated, BSB 932 000, account number 100292822, or by mailing a cheque to PO Box 21, BARRABA NSW 2347. If you should require an invoice contact Frost Treasurer Helen Rixon ( or 0412 843 644). All donations and sponsorships are applied to prize monies and running costs of the Frost Over Barraba.
How to volunteer
Everyone is warmly invited to volunteer. You can join the organising committee and/or the Event team. Email to talk over what you’d like to do.
More info
More information can be found on the Frost website ( and on the Frost facebook and instagram pages.