Water Night celebrates National Water Week

19th October 2022

Water Night (5pm-10pm Thursday 20 October) is an annual event hosted by The Water Conservancy and held during National Water Week. Tamworth Regional Council supports this great initiative and encourages individuals, schools and organisations to sign up to the cause.

Can you commit to not using taps and running water between 5pm and 10pm Thursday 20 October? Signing up to the challenge shows your support for water conservation and awareness. Although dams and water tanks across the region are currently full, it is vital to continue the education around water usage and sustainability.

Council’s Sustainability Officer – Water, Louise Cadell says Water Night is a vital part of water education and encourages people to sign up to the challenge.

“Water Night provides a great practical challenge for people to take note of when and how much water they use. Water is our most precious resource, and in 2022 across the Tamworth region the average daily consumption to date is 21 megalitres per day. We encourage all residents to sign up for the challenge and avoid using taps and running water between 5pm and 10pm on Thursday 20 October.”

According to The Water Conservancy, “a quarter of all Australians don’t know how water arrives at their taps… 45% of them say they certainly don’t think about using it”. On average, flushing the toilet uses 4.5 litres, brushing teeth uses 7.5 litres, a full load of a dishwasher uses 20 litres and a 10-minute shower uses 90 litres.

Events and initiatives like Water Night are an essential part of raising water awareness to ensure the ongoing water security in the Tamworth region.

Sign up for the challenge at www.waternight.com.au or visit the Tamworth Regional Council website and search for ‘Water Night’.

News for October 2022