Some history about Cohen's shop

20th July 2022

Cohen’s Shop

In regard into where “Cohens Shop” was in the main street of Barraba, the above shop was where our local “Mall” is today. Our family’s relative “Hopton-Urquhart” had his own “saddlery and leather” making business in that area, the now “Mall”.  His shop had a veranda right on the foot path, at the rear of the shop was the residence of Hopton and his wife Grace.  Hopton’s wife was a Parry.  Hopton had his works there for a very long time, he was better known in our area as “Hop”.  He passed away on 3-10-1945 and is buried in C of E cemetery with a headstone at Barraba.  May I state his parents “Hopton the first and his wife Maria” are buried in the very old section of our C of E section. “Hopton the first” died in 1909 and Maria in 1923, she was Maria Hempson.  Hopton and Maria are our families’ great grandparents.

I do have some of their items in our “SHED OF KNOWLEDGE MUSEUM”.  Hopton the first’s Maria also has a headstone. Urquharts came from “Scotland”.

Ronald Hiscock

Ps. Nearly forgot, in same area joining old information building was a business named “J T Roberson” truck and semi-trailer carrying, also selling McCormick tractors and other farm items.  Also, a depot for the old “Atlantic “fuels and oils and run the large wheat stacks at our railway yards. The business was managed by Mr Roley Hungerford of Barraba.  The truck drivers were Tony Hungerford, Gordon Wallace, Albert Jackson and Ted Jenner.  After many long years, the business was bought by well know local, Eric Grills.  The Grills family had farms out at Gulf Creek. I could go on further regarding this information, good old Barraba history, those were the days. I love it.